This Is What Rebel Wilson Eats In A Day 79204da03

This Is What Rebel Wilson Eats In A Day

Pitch Perfect star Rebel Wilson has been a fierce advocate for body positivity and a role model for larger women. She has stated in the past that she was lucky to have her body type and would incorporate her plus-sized figure into her acting with characters such as Fat Amy.

However, Wilson is also an advocate for living a healthy lifestyle and after years of being the face of Jenny Craig and being their spokesperson for weight loss, Wilson reached her target weight goal.

She has also learned new and healthy ways to stay fit. In addition to exercise, Wilson has also found a healthy diet. Here is what the funny lady eats in a day.

#RebelWilson #Food #Celeb

Eating healthy in 2020 | 0:00
Plenty of protein | 1:04
Ditching sugar | 1:54
Cut back on carbs | 2:38
No snacking | 3:18
Drinking different beverages is allowed | 4:00
No restrictions | 4:50

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